The Maze Runner is another five star book for me. I love that the action and suspense begins instantly. I thought the author was able to remain unpredictable throughout the entire book. Just when I thought I knew what would happen I was inevitably surprised. I am interested to see if the book becomes a series. The way the book ends it could potentially continue into a second book. I wonder what the creators next phase of training would have entailed. Once they solved the maze, how would the creators have continued to test them? I would also like to know more of the science behind what the creators did to the boys. I also wonder why they only chose one girl to be put in the maze. Why only boys? One of the best aspects of the book is the language the author gives to the characters. It fits the book and the characters perfectly. I also wonder about human nature. Are we all born with the instinct to fight and stay alive or are there only a select few individuals born with that characteristic? How was Thomas able to rise above the prejudices of the community and break the rules no matter the consequences for the sake of doing what was right? Why was he such a good leader despite the accusations against him? Were they inherent characteristics or was he forced to be that way?