Friday, February 5, 2010

The Lace Reader by Brunonia Barry

Towner Whitney, a dazed young woman descended from a long line of mind readers and fortune tellers, has survived numerous traumas and returned to her hometown of Salem, Mass., to recover. Any tranquility in her life is short-lived when her beloved great-aunt Eva drowns under circumstances suggesting foul play. Towner's suspicions are taken with a grain of salt given her history of hallucinatory visions and self-harm. The mystery enmeshes local cop John Rafferty, who had left the pressures of big city police work for a quieter life in Salem and now finds himself falling for the enigmatic Towner as he mourns Eva and delves into the history of the eccentric Whitney clan.

I hope you enjoy this book.  It is a little more serious than the previous books we have been reading lately.  I absolutely loved this book, especially since it was a nice change of pace.

What we thought...

First of all, I'd like to say sorry for taking so long with posting our comments and starting our next book. School has definately taken over our free time. So for the rest of the school year we will be doing just one book a month and when summer begins we will pick back up on two books a month.

I liked 'The Uglies' series until the fourth book. I agree with Elissa, that the ending of the third book was a little cheesy but I was willing to look passed that. If I recommend this book to anyone though I will tell them to not waste there time on reading the fourth book! I liked all of the characters excluding the fourth book ofcourse. I liked it because it was an easy read and a great escape. Its kind of like one of those books that you liked but you don't want to admit that you read it. I say this because its a book written for teenagers. I will admit that I found myself mimicking some of their lingo! I liked that Zane died in book three. Don't get me wrong I thought it was sad and I was surprised but it was kind of a necessary. I like David and I thought that Tally-wa and David were meant for each other. You never stop loving your first love. I also liked the theme of the book. I could see the world turning into that. The future could definately hold many technologies that could turn us into pretties. I believe that we would have a similar conflict too because there are people out there who are completely against altering your body.  So thats all I have to say for now. Janell is trying to catch up so we will hear from her as soon as she's done.